Lisa Steele. Video, colour, sound. 53:00 “Modelled on the soap opera format, this four-part series follows a young single mother who’s on welfare. It has…
Comments closedTag: 70s
Lisa Steele, 2ΒΌ b/w negatives, silver prints Taken at the Dusseldorf home of Joseph Beuys after an interview for FUSE magazine conducted by Steele and…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1978. Video, b/w, sound. 16:30 This is the second tape in the Mrs. Pauly diptych and it follows her as she runs afoul…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1976. Video, b/w, sound. 68:43 “I was living in the United States, for a few months in 1976-77, when the controversy over genetic…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1976. Video, b/w, sound. 78:52 “In this tape I wanted to construct a fictional narrative and also to tell a ‘story’ with visual…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1976. Video, b/w, sound. 8:00 “I made this tape shortly after my grandfather’s death as a memory of his voice and speech patterns.…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1975. Three monitor installation. Video, b/w, sound. 30:00 A woman’s body is mapped and a reading from a dream journal. The middle channel…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1974. Video, b/w, sound. 16:45 “This tape is a formal investigation of androgyny. Or, more accurately, how androgyny might be present within a…
Comments closedLisa Steele. 1974. Video, b/w, sound. 17:50 “From 1974 to 1986 I worked at a shelter for women and children. Most of the women who…
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