Lisa Steele. 1982. Video, b/w, sound. 47:00
“I produced this tape to examine the process of interrogation. I used the format of a “cop show” but removed all the action; the people just talk. The story is simple enough: Donna (the main character) works in a laboratory as a technician. One night when she’s working late, an armed man enters and holds her hostage. Before morning the police have intervened, the man is dead and Donna herself is under suspicion. The events all occur before the tape opens. The subject of this tape is based on my own observations of how legal and law enforcement agencies interact with women. This is not so much a story of corruption within the police force as it is an examination of how order and authority reproduce themselves, developing an account of reality, one that differs greatly from the lives of the powerless people that these ‘official conclusions’ supposedly describe.” L.S.